Top 10k strings from 3D Star Wars (1983)(Custom Cables International).z80
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2 PRESS ANY KEY 2 >*2@Y2`Y2_Y2 1 The Jedi have returned.Your nameis Luke Skywalker, your missionis to destroy the warships inthe rebel fleet. Commanded byevil Darth Vader,there are tenfleets to be reckoned with, eachfleet faster and more powerfullthan it's predecessor. Howeveryou are armed with proton lazerswhich will destroy anything inyour sights.You also have longand short range scanners and anumeric "Aliens Left" display.Warning neons activate if aliensare firing at you. Your forcefield can withstand any amountof metiorite storms but can onlycope with four blasts from DarthVader's warships.If you are hitfour times your star fighterwill be destroyed,you will meetyour maker and the Jedi missionunsuccessfull 1 TODAYS HIGH SCORES 1 TO INSERT LETTER B FIRE 1 TO INCREMENT LETTER Z UP 1 TO DECREMENT LETTER X DOWN 1 STAR WARS 1 SCORE ADVANCE TABLE 1 METIORITES ARE HARMLESS 1 INSTRUCTIONS Y\N 1 IF YOU REACH ONE OF TODAYS TOPTEN SCORES YOU MAY ENTER YOURINITIALS IN THE TABLE BY USINGEITHER YOUR KEMPSTON JOYSTICK ORTHE KEYBOARD 1 Hw!-Pw!2Pw!;Pw 1 ELFIN SOFTWARE 1 ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000ELF0000 1 DIRECTION INDICATORS 1 DAMAGE STATUS 1 AVOID ENEMY BOMBS 1 ALIENS LEFT 1 ALIEN ATTACKING 1 @w!:Hw!EHw!KHw! 1 3D STAR WARS 1 2..SPECTRUM KEYBOARD 1 1..KEMPSTON JOYSTICK 1 .Good Luck! 1 !X@w!c@w!o@w! 1 RANGE SCANNER 1 KEY KEM